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Join forces, sell more stuff, create more foot traffic.

Congratulations! You are now in charge of a very powerful location marketing tool to create engagement with your community, sell more stuff, create more foot traffic to your locations and events simply by joining forces. As a member you can join as many communities you like.

Quick Start

New to Map Your City and not sure where to start? Don't worry we have got your back. A simple Quick Start guide to get you up and running in no time. Let's create something BIG with the power of (a lot of) small.


Sometimes we all just need a little help. There are plenty of ways we’re here to help you make the most of your Map Your City experience. Before you reach out to our Support team, sometimes you can quickly find the answer yourself.

It all starts with a community


Joining a community

There's two ways to become a member. You are either personally invited to a premium community - or - request an invite to an open community yourself.

Wooha! You've got mapping powers!

Now that you have joined as member - you have the power to start mapping your places and add your stories, links, media and ticketing.

Let's create magic

A great tip from our marketing gurus: use eye-catching images and make sure to add the right tags to your locations. You have got this! Now it's time to create some magic and add your story to all the places that matter to your community's followers.

Your story at all the places that matter to your followers


Add your custom info

When you slide the toggle of your community a form pops up. The owner of your community has created this form for you so you can add your custom information - right from any mobile device.

Now - Add the stuff that your community's followers love

Tell a great story for your place (hint: keep it short & compelling). Let your followers know what's going on, connect to breathtaking video for your places, add ticketing, surprise with special event vouchers, anything goes really.

Let's start connecting

The moment you press "Save" your followers are notified to check your places. Now take it one step further and start integrating it with your social media platform of choice and start creating some foot traffic.

Promoting your locations is a breeze


Share it on Facebook or Twitter

What ever your platform of choice - you can promote it - link and share.

Embed it!

Embed the cards on Pinterest or your Blog page! Have your Pinterest community or website visitors check out your locations - even when they have not downloaded the app.

Create a ripple effect

Since your followers can share with their friends too - the more people start following your community or your locations... - well you get the idea. Yes, sending those notifications to a growing number of fans is so much more fun 🙂

Create something BIG


Start receiving ❤ for locations

Anybody who hits the ❤ shares the love but also adds your location to their own treasure map - AND - automatically starts following your place. So anything happens - like - someone leaves a message on the location wall - they are are kept in te loop.

Hey people dig your story!

Now you are creating engagement! Your followers are buying, booking or registering for what you've up for sale and are sharing their experiences.


Check how well you did - with Business Insights



More communities

OK here's the thing - no one just fits in 1 box. We know you want the freedom to connect to more communities of your peers. That is why you can join as many communities as you like.

More Locations

Yes we understand the world is your canvas and you want to tell your stories at more than just ONE location. Depending on your community's settings or your subscription you can map multiple places.

More features

Enjoy even more features - like sending custom notifications to your community's followers. Upgrade your plan.

Still stumped? Check out these common questions.

More FAQ's

Which plan is right for me?

How do I map places?

How many Organizations can I join?

How do I share my locations anywhere?

I’ve joined a community – what happens next?

How do I receive notifications?

Switch Guide
Go to User Guide for Owners creating a community

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