Travel planning has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of digital technology. However, many of destination marketing websites are failing to keep pace with user expectations, particularly in areas such as user experience (UX), interactive maps, and itinerary customization.
Lookouts, skywalks, and rooftops offer a bird’s-eye perspective, a breath of fresh air, and a chance to connect with a city or landscape in a whole new way. But beyond the wow factor, these sky-high attractions are also magnets for tourists, good for business, and surprisingly, environmentally sustainable solutions.
The pandemic has forced many destinations to rethink their destination marketing approach and prioritize responsible tourism.
In order to begin your search, it helps to know at least some of your options. Below is a short-list of the best destination marketing software solutions on the market right now and the 5 things to look for.
Learn the building blocks for reliable, high quality destination experiences in this free three-part course.
Learn all about the secret how we help your local community thrive.
How do you actually tell a great story that people are willing to listen to, engage with and remember? How do you tell a story that sticks?
Cities are hot. But what makes people and businesses choose one city over another? It seems future proof cities are winning.
Museum of Ice-cream created an immersive experiential marketing experience that promotes its ice-cream brand BIG time.
Marketing a city to businesses forces that city to think long term and future proof itself for growth and progress.